Saturday 2 July 2016

Facebook is Like the Angel of Death

Today, 2nd July, 2016….
*sneezes*. *wipes nose*. *pockets handkerchief*. *wrinkles forehead*

Sorry about that. Uhm, okay let us start from yesterday the 1st of July, 2016. Shall we?

Yesterday the 1st of July, 2016, I saw a kind of facebook accord that I haven’t and don't know if I will ever see again. Everybody on my friends' list were uploading the same facebook post.

It was cool, really. Okay not everybody uploaded…some bhadoo men and women on my list…DID NOT log into facebook yesterday, so they did not upload.

This accord thing taught me one thing:

"Fear Unites. Fear Motivates. The Fear of getting banned by facebook, better still."

***It also reminded of me of that story in the bible where the Israelites were commanded to kill a lamb and rub the blood on their doorpost so that when the angel of death is passing - and killing - he was gonna Passover.***

Being the doubting (but curious) Thomas that I am and always will be till Christ Comes, I wondered just one thing:

"If Facebook suddenly decided to violate the privacy of users by using their pictures or information, will the violating abi Violation only affect those Facebook users that do not upload this particular post?"

For some reason, it seemed very unlikely to me, so I did not bother myself copying and pasting the message.

Today the 2nd of July, 2016, after I noticed that a bhadoo cousin of mine had yielded and rubbed the Blood of Today, 1st July on her facebook wall, i decided to enlist the omniscience of Professor Google on this one. I figured that if this was some serious ish, LIB blogs around the world would certainly have something about this.

I entered into GOOGLE search, “today 1st july 2016 facebook”nothing relevant came up.

I tried again...this time increasing the number of relevant keywords.
“today 1st july 2016 facebook permission to post pictures”…and from the results, I understood,

I know that All Scams have one purpose - profit [i learned this lesson from this cow by the way] but i do not quite understand where the profit lies in this...and sincerely, i do not care.

My care lies with all ye beautiful women...and handsome men. Thus, i bring you this message:
"Learn how to Use Google...Stop falling mugu."

Victory ‘GOOGLE SAVES’ Anosike.

After the writing of this article, I did a little search on Google and found a pdf ebook that might save all ye i-do-not-know-much-about GoogleSearch souls or improve the knowledge of all ye yes-i-know-a-hundred-things-about-googleSearch fellows. As a matter of fact, I just read it now just in case there be something that I do not know...and verily i say unto you, there was something i did not know.

This morning i went for a run. During my time of rest and while i was experience some 'RUNNER'S HIGH due to the endorphin surge in my brain - the kind of endorphin surge you get after a long run - i noticed something which made me hypothesize: SMALL BOOBS ARE A BIG BLESSING!
More gist tomorrow.

Stay Awesome!


  1. interesting article. i did not fall for this too. i am even tired of facebook.

    I look forward to tomorrow's article, wanna see how small boobs are a big blessing. lol.

    Welcome back from your long holiday.

    1. the date was even extended to the 3rd of July.

      THE BOOBy article >>>>


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