Sunday 18 January 2015

ALERT!!! This is One of the Greatest CHURCH MISCONCEPTION Ever

The HEBREW WOMEN DELIVERY is one theory that I THINK has misled many Christians...ever since i can fathom. It has  imbibed in them this mentality that a C-Section is an abnormal way to give birth..they prefer to puuushhh!!! The generally accepted belief being that: if you did not push, your own no good.

I was no fan of this ideology from the outset because more women have lost their lives while wanting to deliver like the HEBREW WOMEN. But WHO AM I to go question my *teachers*.
I decided to write on this boosit theory topic after listening to a Christian Doctor (Dr. Richard Okoye, President,  Doctors Save A Life Foundation) who seemed to be on the page as me that this whole ideology is a freaking Misconception.

And now, to prove to you that HEBREW WOMEN DELIVERY is some B.S ish you have been made to believe in, OPen up your bibles (yes, how else can i prove).

***Some additions will be made in red - for clarification purposes***

EXODUS 1:15-16
"The king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives, whose names were Shiphrah and Puah, "When you are helping the Hebrew women during childbirth on the delivery
stool, if you see that the baby is a boy, kill him; but if it is a girl, let her live.""

This was the Pharoah's strategy to reduce the strength of the Israelites. Lesser males equal Lesser strength.

EXODUS 1:17-18
"The midwives, however, feared God and did not do what the king of Egypt
had told them to do; they let the boys live.
Then the king of Egypt summoned the midwives and asked them, "Why have
you done this? Why have you let the boys live?""

Now realise this, if the women had opened their mouths to say: "OH KING, WE ARE SORRY. WE COUlD NOT KILL THE INNOCENT BABIES". or "OH KING, WE TRIED TO KILL THE INNOCENT BABIES BUT THEY REFUSED TO DIE", they'd be killed..their families too.
so they used their heads.

"The midwives answered Pharaoh, "Hebrew women are not like Egyptian
women; they are vigorous and give birth before the midwives arrive.""

THIS was a LIE - told in defence

There was NEVER a case of a Hebrew Woman fast-track delivery. It was all a hoax!!!

Giving birth through the (seemingly) normal push method does not mean that you are highly holy, favoured, blessed or lucky...nah, it doesn't.....sorry!!!

Giving birth through a caeserian section (C.S) does not mean that you are highly unholy, unfavoured, unblessed or unlucky either.

The most important thing is to enusure that YOU ARE ALIVE - your baby too.
and if a C.Section is the only way possible (probably because the baby's head is tooooo big to enable easy passage), DO IT!!!

.....and if your pastor tells you: "Mrs. XY Njokwu, trust in the Lord, for you shall deliver like the HEBREW WOMEN", tell him Know: it is a MYTH.

Victory 'I heard that i was delivered thru a C.S' Anosike.


  1. I swera to drunk, i you're not GOD.

    Nice Article doh! I need to research on this

  2. you are welcome... share your findings when you do.

  3. It should even go beyond the baby's head being too big. If a woman simply chooses to undergo CS maybe for matters of convenience and ease even when she can push, there should be no problem. I love this article.

  4. It should even go beyond the baby's head being too big. If a woman simply chooses to undergo CS maybe for matters of convenience and ease even when she can push, there should be no problem. I love this article.

  5. Yaaaaa, you right @Treasure, convenience is a factor too.


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